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By Weekly Wins and Losses with James Heppner on January 21, 2022

WEEKLY WINS LOSSES PODCAST #19 - Exploring Extreme POWER PERFORMANCE obsession with John Jaquish

WEEKLY WINS LOSSES PODCAST #19 - Exploring Extreme POWER PERFORMANCE obsession with John Jaquish

Dr. John Jaquish is arguably one of today’s most grounded and radically honest authorities on the science of power performance and musculature strength today. Dr. Jaquish’s breakthroughs in fitness innovations have identified the largest impingement to muscular strength gain and have pinpointed exactly how muscles can be driven to fatigue in every range of motion. In this episode, you’ll learn how to train your body as an extreme athlete while learning the specific method to activate your strength and gain ability.

Full Transcript

James Heppner: Welcome to podcast number 19. This is part three of Exploring Extreme Obsessions. For those of you that have not yet tuned into part one of this series called Extreme and Exploring Your Extreme Obsession, I invite you to do so. This podcast, number 17, will set you up for a solid and grounded infrastructure within a few of my extreme obsessions, and my journey with them. I’ll let you in on how we develop a healthy, safe, and lively relationship by diving head-first into that obsession.

James Heppner: I’ll show you through a few of my life experiences, what it looks like to experience the edge, and at times, even hanging slightly over the edge. I’ve chosen to open up about where I had to learn the hard way and what it looks like to go too far. The lessons I learned and how I adjust it to ensure that I stayed on this safe side of extreme. You’ll likely pick up on subtle nuances that will help you deliver and develop a super healthy and energetic relationship by exploring your specific, extreme obsessions in your way. You’ll hear why we all deeply desire to take it to the edge, that raw edge, and how living there creates the most magical experience of life. So today, podcast number 19, I got Dr. John Jaquish on this show. John, welcome here.

Dr. John Jaquish: James, thanks for having me.

James Heppner: Wonderful. John has been featured in publications like Wall Street Journal, Forbes, L. A Times, NBC sports, U.S.A Today, GQ, Maxim. He’s an author, he’s a speaker. He speaks to medical professionals around the world, about bone density, power performance. John, anything you want to add? I know you’ve got a massive list of things you do. Anything you want to add.

Dr. John Jaquish: Nah, I don’t talk about myself. People get irritated when I talk about myself. So yeah, I got a lot of haters, but that was a great intro. And it’s a shame, I’m part of this series because you introduced it. And I was like, wow, I’m inspired. I want to see this. And then it’s like, oh, but I’m one of the people speaking and I already know all this stuff, I’m going to say. So it’s like, I can’t wait to hear the other two. I’ve heard the earliest podcasts that you’ve done and for the audience, you and I have been friends for a long time.

James Heppner: True.

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s exciting. You’re going to be able to get away with asking me a whole bunch of stuff that I probably wouldn’t answer for anybody else.

James Heppner: Yeah. Well, that’s honestly, John, it’s one of the things I’ve always really appreciated, a whole bunch about you. I met you at a Tony Robbins event back. I don’t know when it was. Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: That was like 10 years ago, man.

James Heppner: I know. I know. And it was just

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: Right? And I remember my wife was in inside-

Dr. John Jaquish: We were both kind of overweight. Do you remember?

James Heppner: Thanks.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. We’re in shape now. Neither of us was in shape. I was doing nothing in the fitness industry.

James Heppner: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Just the bone density, the OsteoStrong stuff, and yeah. I had a lot of the answers to a lot of fitness questions, but a lot of people and especially you would ask questions where I’d say, “wow, James. If I were to answer that question, I would need to spend like a week gathering the right literature to give you that answer.” And I started getting questions like that from you. Tony would always challenge me with, some of his questions were just crazy. Some of them were really like wow, okay. I could answer that.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I know the data is there to answer that, but I can’t answer it right now because I don’t have it all in front of me. And I’d like to compile it and some references. I don’t give my opinion on anything, which is not for me because everything I do has to do with delivering messages about technologies or methods that no one’s ever heard of. Like when you buy my book, Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want it’s not just the same fitness crap that’s just been reshuffled and reformatted like every other fitness book for the last, probably 75 years. What is weight training? It’s just picking up rocks. But the rocks now have handles on. That’s the difference.

James Heppner: Speaking of that, John, it’s interesting. I watch a bit of video these two guys from Europe’s biggest or strongest men and these guys are picking up rocks and what’s so interesting, John.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the most extreme, they just go right back to picking up rocks.

James Heppner: Exactly. And so there you go. What’s fascinating is they talk about the hardest thing about their vocation, which is all they do is about getting strong and about solidifying and keeping that marker that they’re strongest. The hardest thing for them is eating and they eat like 10,000 calories a day. I’m like, oh my Lord. And I’m going, you know what?

They should probably talk to John. John, one of the things that I just want to throw in and you pride me on this, one thing that I appreciated from you right off the hop and you and I aligned, and it was like two souls speaking to each other. I was like, here’s a brother, you know how they say, from another mother in business in life. I have always been about the work of what I say is what I know.

James Heppner: I don’t shovel. I was taught when I was young, I don’t do that. I only give evidence for what I happen to have solid evidence for. And I speak on those-

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

James Heppner: And John, you know what? When I spoke with you were just right lasered in. And it’s like when I asked these pointed questions if you didn’t know, you said, listen, I kind of think I know, but it would take a long time, but I don’t have the resource here. And so why don’t I get back to you on that? And that was honestly what sold me on the bio density. I didn’t have bone density issues, but you got me peaked just because of your style. And it was like that calm contagion. You were just there in the moment. You were just being, go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: The best thing to say, when you get a great question and if you have an answer, sometimes it’s better to not give that answer because the question was so good, you say, “I want to give you the best answer possible and I’m just going to have to come back with that.” And I think scientists, they’re not trained… Especially the scientists that speak to the press, they’re told to come up with an answer. And I think especially in the times that we live in now, with the pandemic, it would be a lot better if the medical professionals that are considered authorities on this issue or at least considered, for now, I don’t think it’ll be for long. Instead of coming up with an answer, say, “we don’t know.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Because we heard from the same guy, you don’t need to worry about masks. Oh no, now you need masks. Oh, well the research says masks don’t do anything, but we’re still going to have you wear a mask. They ruin their credibility by doing that. And it would be better to masks was first developed to keep surgeons from sneezing in open wounds and putting mucus in there. They were never meant to arrest viruses. And if you just like, day one hour one of a virology class, you’ll realize viruses are so small, they’ll pass through anything. We’re not stopping it with a piece of paper, even an N-95, probably not because they’re not glued to your face. Gas goes around.

James Heppner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: Hundred percent.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the honest answers or just saying, we don’t know the answer to that question yet, so much better.

James Heppner: Think about how much time, money, effort, energies, whatever we’re putting towards life would be saved if… I’m just pinging off and just building off of the thought you had. It reminds me, they often say the best way to ruin a good question is to answer it. Listen, sometimes, you don’t even want to answer. You don’t desire to because it’s too rich to answer. It’s way too big to answer. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. And if you know you have an answer, there is potentially a better one.

James Heppner: Exactly.

Dr. John Jaquish: You say, I’m going to hold you off on that one. I’m going to send it, maybe we need to do it… If somebody asks me on a podcast, sometimes they’ll say send this to Dave Asprey. Going to have to bring me back because I don’t know the answer to that question. But I know it’s out there.

James Heppner: It’s out there. I love it. So take us back, right to when we first met, bio density. I often think that when we get to the base of things, we care about the less sexy, more reality. Right. So I remember when I saw you, hey John, firstly, okay. You are a handsome dude. I wouldn’t call you sexy because I’m not attracted to males. That’s just what it is. That’s just not how I-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s probably why we’re friends. Yeah.

James Heppner: That’s probably why we’re… There you go. That’s awesome. Okay. One of the things that I loved about, so what you grab my attention with is I said, John, I don’t have bone density issues. I’ve seen you here before, I’ve walked past. I don’t have these issues. And you said, James, and you brought about an awareness that I didn’t know about. You said, do you ever think about, and I’m going to botch this here, but at the base of all strength comes the carry genital hangs on and you might want to consider developing a strong base, like your skeletal system. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: And that to me made me think, and of course, there’s your authenticity, there’s your making someone think. And I love curiosity. So just coming to the end and the answer of that’s boring stuff. I just don’t want this. Do you know what I mean? So you just had my debate and I go, wait a minute, perhaps there is a need for this here and tying that into the whole picture, you know how they often say basing your sense of reality on your five senses is hardly a version of reality at all. If you think about the iceberg, you’re on this cruise. Right? And you look and people are pointing, there’s the iceberg. It’s the tip-off, and it looks amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, and 90% of it’s under the water. Yeah.

James Heppner: Exactly. So when I think about that, when I think about the orgasmic participation of life, when I see you show up, you’re an engineer, but what’s interesting is you’re an engineer that’s vested. Not to say other engineers aren’t, but you’ve got this real energetic draw and this draw that links to the reality, not to the fantasy of. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: And so when that happens, we move. When we go from fatty reality, we move from mere possibility to creating the probability that many times creates the inevitable response. So there you are. And you’re saying, James, okay, this bio density. If you want to know the real truth, you got to start with the structure first, strengthen the bone. And when you do that, it sends a signal to your muscles saying, it’s now safe to add more power, performance, muscle.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so yeah, you’re allowed to switch on more muscle thereby stimulating more muscle with exercise.

James Heppner: Exactly. Right. So thank you for that. I love that. And what’s interesting is I, for many years, wanted to work out. I was raised on the farm. I was always throwing bales and off-balance stuff, constantly. Right? And when I think about the whole play, when you draw me into reality, it opened me up to a sustainable life. If you ask me what I do, if people want to know what I do now, when it comes to working, I think you and I are quite similar. I do me, and it was bio density back then and now it’s OsteoStrong. Right? So the name shifted, you went there. So I do my bio density or OsteoStrong once a week. It takes me all of like seven minutes.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: And then I do another modality, and we’ll talk about it in a bit called X3.

James Heppner: So collectively, I do about an hour of workout a week and it’s sustainable and I’ve lost 30 to 40 pounds of body fat. And I gained about 30 to 35 pounds of muscle mass. My body composition, I feel way healthier. So here’s the question for you. Where does this whole deal… So for you, where did this whole deal with wanting to be about the reality begin for you? Not the fantasy, not this bullshit, you’re sexier if you go sweat in the gym more and everybody looks at you kind of meat shop that you’re right, where did this reality all begin for you?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it began with treating my mother’s osteoporosis. Yeah. They say necessity is the mother of all inventions. You got a problem to solve and it revolves around the life of somebody you were about. You’re going to pay attention. You’re going to try and drive that hard. So, that was how I got into life sciences.

Dr. John Jaquish: And it just had absolutely nothing to do with fitness. I never cared for the fitness industry because I saw very little health going on. It is way vanity-driven. And also, the abusers of performance-enhancing drugs kind of dominate the conversation in fitness, unfortunately, and it’s very vain and I didn’t see that as helpful or healthy. I just didn’t pay much attention to it until looking at the data sets from the first trial we did in London. And that was… What year was that? That was 2015. And when that happened, I got a lot of questions from the hospital administrators and the doctors and the hospital, we were doing it in. And they were like, well, we’re putting huge weights through the human body.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they would ask, “how does this compare with what people do in a gym?” And I said, well, it’s far higher, but because people are in their impact ready range of motion, so different positioning. But you know, as a user, you put thousands of pounds in your body and that’s normal. That’s even normal for some women. They might start with hundreds of pounds and then go to thousands of pounds. And looking at that and the differences between the power output of the impact ready range of motion versus the weaker range of motion. There’s a sevenfold difference.

Dr. John Jaquish: So if there’s a sevenfold difference from the bottom of a bench press to the top of a bench press. Why would you ever lift a weight? It doesn’t make sense. During the trial, I had to do some serious thinking. I was already busy with what I was doing with OsteoStrong wasn’t like I needed something to do, but that’s the problem. I think the people who are working hard and trying to innovate, also many have opportunities for themselves, they can’t even grab a hold of them all.

Dr. John Jaquish: Which is weird because when I see people just don’t what to do with themselves, like wow, I don’t know what you’re using your brainpower for, but that’s sad. I have more opportunities than I could ever follow up on 10 lifetimes. And they were all things that were created by me. They didn’t fall in my lap. They were just things that I’d be researching, researching, researching, and then realize, oh, wow. That could be a world-changing thing. I’m working on something else.

So, when I looked at that data, I thought, do I want to jump in the middle of the fitness industry, an industry where the kings of it are… Bodybuilding is drug-focused. And then when you look at the actual drug… It’s funny because this just happened, the Natural Olympia just happened. And I’m sure most of your listeners don’t look at bodybuilding competitions, but they’re aware. And it’s like, you look at a bodybuilding competition, that’s open and it’s a freak show. That’s why people watch it. People don’t even look human. They look like maybe an action figure.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe a walking pile of mashed potatoes. Usually, the latter is just sort of weird. How did a human get to look like that? Is that guy strong or is he just lumpy or what? It’s like you stare because it’s almost like when you see in old black and white movies where people would go to the freak show at the circus and look at the people who were deformed. That used to happen.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Kind of what bodybuilding is. And that’s the draw to it. It’s like, who can build the freakiest physique? They even use the word all the time. No one can argue with me with this. And then when you look at natural bodybuilding, it’s almost like embarrass… now. I mean, the drug tested kind, because there are natural shows that are not tested. And it’s just like, okay. It’s just the same guys that were at the drug show.

Dr. John Jaquish: The same people. So you’re like, yeah, okay, this isn’t the thing. But the ones that are actually drug tested, and I hate to say this because, and now some of them do look phenomenal and are genetic exceptions, but the other 99% of them look like strong people. They’re really but watching them get all oiled up and stand a stage and what wouldn’t even be considered underwear, so little fabric there, it’s just like… Wow, what am I looking at? I don’t want to watch this. It’s just not interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so I don’t think the sport is going to live at all.

James Heppner: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Drug-free or with the… And this is the pulse of fitness right now. It’s led by that and maybe somewhere in the middle is where we’ll end up. I think capping the weights will be good. Don’t let these guys get to be 300 pounds, especially when they’re like 5'5 and 300 pounds and lean. The human heart can’t even keep up with that, which is by the way, so many of these guys have cardiac problems. It’s not the drugs that are causing cardiac problems.

James Heppner: Scare tissue.

Dr. John Jaquish: A 300-pound fat guy, the body fat that guy has, it’s not vascular. Body fat does not have any work to do. But a 300-pound lean guy, he’s got to pump blood to all that muscle. And the heart was never designed to do that. And so a lot of these guys have congestive heart failure, heart attacks.

James Heppner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not the drugs, it’s the actual size of the human being.

James Heppner: I get it. When you say the sport probably won’t live, it draws me right back because I’ve always been curious. I’ve never asked you and we’ve had, you are driving your car and I’m in my office or vice versa. We chat now and again.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: But I’ve never had an opportunity to ask you this question. And as you’re talking, one of the things that just strike me, and so you use these terms, like what’s currently happening in that bodybuilding industry, it’s a freak show. What is it, mashed potatoes? What is this? I’m not sure. And then, of course, they’re on the same natural show two minutes later, you’re like, this isn’t even a thing. So tying this all together, what’s interesting is there are human beings that choose to be about participating with fantasy, about projecting, about this creating of the freak show.

But you, my friend, I don’t know what is it about you. So how maybe was it, and I don’t know if I’m priming this question properly for you, but were you raised to look for something that was more reality-based constantly? Because like you say, what’s interesting, when I think about star innovation or whatever that looks like, pure innovation, the way that happens is it isn’t when somebody makes an iPhone that you copy the iPhone. That isn’t innovation. That’s A to B.

Dr. John Jaquish: Not innovation at all.

James Heppner: That isn’t innovation at all. But what’s interesting is-

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s duplication. Yeah.

James Heppner: Exactly. So exploring your extreme obsession looks a little bit like, John, you got something unique in you. I got something unique in me. Our listeners, each one, have something unique in them. And when you lean into your extreme obsession and you don’t say yes to everything and yes, to the thing that you know would get you to the famous picture quickest, but you don’t at the quick fame at all. And it’s like, you come along and like you say, this whole industry’s probably not going to live. And you are there. You’ve created kind of the baseline infrastructure to help along. So what do you think it is about your demeanor, your personality? Is it your upbringing? What is it in your psychology? What is it?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll tell you. It’s a contrast. That’s why you see it. You probably wouldn’t have said what you just said if I stayed in bone density space, but as soon as moving to fitness, most of what is out there, the information that’s out there in fitness is incorrect. Some of it’s nonsensical, some of it’s outdated. Some of it somebody just made up. Some of it, like muscle confusion theory. You need to shock the muscle into growth by always changing up your workout. Total bullshit.

Dr. John Jaquish: Interesting theory though. I think it was maybe Charles Glass that came up with it. He was a very, very famous trainer. If anybody’s the creator of modern bodybuilding, it’s that guy. And he did create something certainly interesting. So don’t take anything away from him, but he was like a trial and error guy. So try something, worked, that was a new way to do it. But that’s not science. Trial and error is a great start, but it’s not science. And so, because I know that if you come up with a scientific answer and you present evidence, especially if your evidence is overwhelming or if there’s no evidence to the contrary, that’s overwhelming, you can maybe show something new. You can prove a different way something can be done.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so when I was doing that bone density research and I realized I made an amazing fitness observation, and like I said, looking at the fitness industry, do I want to jump into this clown rodeo? Not really. But in fact, many people in the industry when I showed the prototype of the X3, I’m like, oh, I have a new invention. First-person I gave it to is Dave Asprey. So I flew to his house. We spent a lot of time together and went over the logic and Dave is almost like an anti-exercise guy. It’s how do I get around the pain and suffering of working out and get maybe 90% of the results.

Dr. John Jaquish: And Dave said a great thing. He goes, I’m going to get 150% of the results without the risk, with X3. And I’m like, yeah. Well played. So yeah. Dave was y different creature in fitness. And I don’t think he’d classify himself as part of it and so what other industry leaders told me when I was like, I’ve got products, it’s far superior to anything in fitness, I’d like to launch it. Does anybody want to partner with me? So my thinking back then was that I already had a business with OsteoStrong. I don’t know I have time for another one.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know if I have time for another one. Turns out I did, but time is what we make of it. I didn’t want, and I didn’t want to jump in the middle of fitness, because I just saw it as, because of who’s steering the boat.

James Heppner: Do you think you’re fitness, or do you think you’re healthy?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m a health, not fitness.

James Heppner: There you go. Okay. Continue.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because I don’t think fitness is really about fitness, it’s about vanity.

James Heppner: Beautiful. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, I mean, you look at a bodybuilding show, it’s a combination of who can dehydrate themselves the most without dying, who can get the best tan, who can… The women shows, who has the most professional breast implants?

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Yep. That totally can determine if you win or lose.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Because healthy it’s all about what you look like. It’s just an aesthetic. Is that healthy? No, not at all.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Taking diuretic drugs, when you don’t have high blood pressure, to lower the moisture content in your blood, that’s dangerous and people die from it. Add bodybuilding shows.

James Heppner: Something that you just said about, and you queued up men/women, I want to ask you a question about that in a minute.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: There’s something about when you started with science and evidence.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: That’s so interesting. I was raised in a holistic environment. My parents liked nutritional supplements, they liked looking to see what worked, what the body was on board perhaps naturally, or whatever that looks like.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: What’s interesting, is my parents also weren’t against doctors. They onboarded conventional medicine while holistic. It was interesting, because of your mashup, and correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems to me like you understand that there’s merit and, as you say, science, in studies and what was fascinating, when I met you, taking us back there and I love what you just said, taking me back to that interaction with you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: It was like I was talking and so I kid you not, it’s like you’re my older bro or younger, but it doesn’t matter. You’re my brother in some regard because there you were.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: You’re giving me science, but you’re giving it to me in a raw, fresh way. When I researched your product, what was very interesting, what led me to want to research it, I didn’t know of Dave Asbury at the time, because I don’t think he was in the marketplace as of yet within the field he was in.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: But Tony Robbins had this vitality and this energy, and I remember thinking, “How is Tony able to be strong and so energetic and so drawing people? He’s not pushing people towards, it draws.” I thought, “How is this possible?” All I decided on at the moment, I remember, is that I needed to clear up-level my energy reserves. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: I came from an energy place, that energetic. Right. I remember thinking I have to do something. Then, of course, I see you in the back. Then, as you say, what’s interesting is you have this way when you present, it’s not… I don’t know if it’s how you present your data or your information, but it’s just something that happens that’s different.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: I don’t want to talk about necessarily masks or vaccination as much as, they present data too, but it seems biased and steering you away in a certain direction.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: It’s almost like they’re steering you towards their outcome, and John-

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, I’ll tell you what I do. I’ll tell you what I do.

James Heppner: You don’t do that. What do you do?

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

James Heppner: I find it fascinating. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: What I do, is I present the weaknesses and the data first.

James Heppner: Oh, good job. Oh.

Dr. John Jaquish: Always, always every day, “This is what we don’t know.”

James Heppner: Beautiful. Oh, my.

Dr. John Jaquish: Then, because when you say, “Everybody should do this,” whenever they’re trying to make any type of argument, it’s like, “Here’s what we don’t know.”

James Heppner: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: When you start with, “Here’s what we don’t know,” every critic, you just took all their weapons away from them. Then, so first of all, you said something they weren’t expecting you to say, and then once you tell them about the limitations, they lean forward in their seat and they’re like, “Well, what did you find then?”

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Because, when I’m at the World Congress on osteoporosis, I spent the first 15 minutes of my presentation explaining what I did not find and what I don’t know.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re on the edge of their seat because they’re like, “I thought this guy was going to come to BS us, and everything I was getting ready to say, he just said.” But then, “What did you find?” Then when I showed them what was found, they were like, “Wow, that’s just fascinating. We can’t wait to put this into action.” It just, you become so…

James Heppner: Relatable, human.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Relatable. Right. Right and also because you met them on common ground, you almost speak to the skeptics first. If you’re skeptical, they’re like, “Well this guy’s presenting the data and he’s addressing the skeptics first. This guy started as a skeptic.” I’m a scientist, of course, we’re the biggest skeptics. It always works well by talking about what you don’t have.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Then, “But here’s what we do have,” and yeah.

James Heppner: This is so fascinating, John, because literally, when I started my podcast, I’ve always been about this, and that is instead of telling people how you’re so good at something or giving them all your accolades, what you do is the exact opposite.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: You talk to them about all the areas that you failed.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Yeah.

James Heppner: Whatever you… You did the opposite of… It’s like coming out to a talk and you’re in a conference center and they announce the speaker. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

James Heppner: They give him all the accolades. The guy comes out or the lady comes out and they can’t help but do the same for the next 15 minutes. You’re bored like crazy.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: All you want to hear is the human becomes human. Meaning, tell me how you’re human because if you’re human, I might be able to trust at least something you’re saying, you know what I mean?

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

James Heppner: When I started my podcast, I remember thinking, and so it’s funny, you should have come on perhaps podcast number two, because podcast, what is it, five, six, seven, and eight or something like that, I got Meg, Rowan, Harrison. I got them on the show to interview me or I asked them questions, but they asked me back. I wanted them to reveal in me, okay, where I don’t have it all together, because that’s the relatability of it. I love it, John, just keep on flying. Beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah. Also, a perfect example, somebody will be like, “What are your thoughts on red light therapy,” or something like that.

James Heppner: Sounds like a question I had for you.

Dr. John Jaquish: You did ask me that question, but it’s a great example because I’ll say, “I haven’t been collecting data on it, but here’s what I have. Here are some studies I have read.” Now, there may be other studies and I’m just not up to speed on those.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s what I… Somebody asks me about red light therapy, I’ll talk about skin collagen and the replenishment of collagen in your skin, mostly your face. Nobody’s worried about wrinkles on their back or their ass. Maybe somebody is, I don’t know, but it’s not the normal norm, not your face.

Dr. John Jaquish: People are like, “Should I get the red light therapy panel, or should I do this, or should I do that? Or do I need to travel with one? Should I have one in every house I have?”

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ll say, “Well, was not having enough collagen in your skin the biggest problem you have in life?”

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Which is just like a really real thing to say. They’re like, “Yeah, no., before I heard about this product, I’d never given it a thought,” right. Why don’t we wait for more research to be published before…

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: You got to look at what the magnitude of change is going to be like. When somebody starts using X3, if they eat the proper nutrition also, they’re going to dramatically transform their body into a high-performance machine.

James Heppner: How do you make sure that you can, I love what you’re saying research, how do you make sure that while you’re waiting for research, you don’t waste a good thing? Meaning-

Dr. John Jaquish: Can’t.

James Heppner: You just wait for research a hundred percent of the time?

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s the most annoying thing. When I know I’m working on a solution to a problem, but it’s not out yet.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: I have to tell somebody, “Sorry, nothing has come out to address that.” I know I’m working on it, by the way, this happened to me this morning. I answered somebody’s question on the forum. It’s like, I am like so close to fixing that problem, but I can’t say anything. Because if you have something that’s going to solve this problem, it’s coming out in six months…

James Heppner: It on you, John, it on you. Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You don’t want to get them excited and oh, what happens if there’s a setback, it takes me another year.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: ’then yeah, just got to wait.

James Heppner: Wonderful, wonderful.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: John. I’m going to shift it slightly here. However, at the same time, this ties into reality. The reality principle versus fantasy. When it comes to men and women, women it just seems like they’re more natural. They say they’re more naturally able to learn and to be in touch with their bodies. We men tend to listen more to our minds. We, as men, learn to ignore the bumps and bruises and lessons of the body and play through the pain. No pain, no gain kind of thing. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Yeah.

James Heppner: Women are-

Dr. John Jaquish: Men need to stop doing that.

James Heppner: Right. Exactly. Women, so they have arguably some advantage here, all right? Their menstruation, childbirth have shown that life can be painful and they have to be in contact with therewith inside of their place. In that way, women have to have come to know that this mystery and this power of the body, it’s there.

James Heppner: However, somehow for us men, we have to, we must make the same movement down into the flesh, to come down into the reality of her bodies versus the fantasy of being this Hulk. By the way, I think you sent me a picture. I think you were Hulk at one of your Halloween parties. Looked fantastic. You look great by the way, John, not vanity-wise.

Dr. John Jaquish: Thank you.

James Heppner: You look great. But again, so the question is to come down into the reality of your body.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, you can still be vain about your physique when you’re in great shape, but the priority is not the look.

James Heppner: Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: The priority is being healthy, doing it, right. Yeah.

James Heppner: John, what are your thoughts on this? Like men, we must come down, we must travel down. We must make the journey with pain, but not get lost, in that we have to sustain massive pain for us to think we’re doing anything beneficial, or have the gain that we want. What are your thoughts on this?

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of what we call aging, is lifestyle changes based on cumulative joint damage.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Because of those lifestyle changes, we behave differently. Our biomechanics change, we become, get an exaggerated kyphotic curve, your head sticks forward and you’re kind of hunched over. You see guys who are like in their fifties, who are like, that’s starting a little bit. You’re 50, you’re practically a kid. Why are you walking like an old man?

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: The idea of powering through the pain, we need to unlearn that. That’s stupid, because… Well, like Mike, my father, it’s a perfect example and he’s a scientist. You’d think they wouldn’t have had this mindset, but yeah, just get injured today, get the job done, sleep it off tomorrow. That was sort of the attitude of his generation.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: The problem is those injuries, you don’t sleep it off tomorrow. You pay for it for the rest of your life. I will… People ask me all the time, “Let’s see you do a one-rep maximum bench press. You have any idea what you bench press?” I’m like, “No, who cares?” Also, one-rep maximums are for idiots.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a really bad idea. Now, if you’re a powerlifter, that’s what you do. That doesn’t mean you’re an idiot. It means that’s your sport, but you got to be real careful and know that that is kind of a recipe for disaster, very dangerous. I don’t see the reward in that at all. I mean, unless maybe you’re going to break the world record or something like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: But it’s, I just don’t see it. I don’t see the smart. I went to a couple of years ago, there was a woman I was helping with her training programming. She… This was a very early concept X3. She ended up setting the world record in the women’s bench press or squat. I was at this world weightlifting tournament and the fans that were there, two-thirds of them had a cane, a walker, or a wheelchair.

No Weights, No Cardio

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Two-thirds.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: They were not the competitors, they were in the audience. I asked some of them, “Guessing you’re a retired lifter?” “Yeah, yeah. I did this and this and this. I went to these meets,” and I’m like, “Why are you…” I was the only guy walking around trying to meet people because people there are to spectate a sport, but I’m walking around trying to be friendly. Everybody was refreshed that somebody took an interest in them and they all had a great story.

Dr. John Jaquish: Like, “Oh my God, my dream was to bench press 450 pounds. At my height and my size, that’s unheard of.” You’re talking to a tall guy, a huge bench pressing tall guy is kind of impossible. As I’m talking to these guys, I realize they all, and this was my first thought when I walked in there, they all destroyed their bodies in the sport.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: They all live with chronic pain. This was a while ago. This was at the height of Oxycontin. Pretty much everybody I talked to had Oxy in the pocket. I was like, “Wow, this is… We are so far away from health right now.”

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative)

Dr. John Jaquish: Health and competition don’t go hand in hand. When you compete, it’s… You got to have the best outcome. Nobody, they don’t rearrange who won the gold medal 50 years later, because the other guys died early of heart attacks because they weren’t healthy. You get the medal at the end of the race. To a sprinter, it’s just getting to the end of the race. That’s all that matters. They drop dead 15 minutes later, they don’t care.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That was a great learning lesson for me. It was a thought in the back of my head where, if I were to ever enter into this… I did have a thesis statement, that I was getting talking to Dave and after talking to these guys in the industry. I said, “I have a scientific product, it’s superior.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: The people in the industry were like, “Oh, you can’t talk science to the fitness industry.”

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: People, fans in the fitness industry… Universally, every single company I talk to says fitness fans are the lowest common denominator. The dumbest people on earth are all about bodybuilding fitness. I was like, “Well, okay. So you got a lot of trolls, or what…” I kind of rolled my eyes at that. Talk to golfers and scuba divers. Those are expensive sports.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: You’re probably not going to come across a lot of stupid people. The barrier to entry and weightlifting is nine bucks a month, to get a plan to fitness membership.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Pretty much nothing.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Homeless people have gym memberships, that’s their shower. Yeah. I realized very quickly that they were all telling me the truth. Within two days, it was like, I could not believe the people I was coming in contact with after w started running ads to the fitness market. They couldn’t understand anything scientific. We even used the word studies and they’d be like, “Stop trying to bullshit us.” It’s like, “But there’s a study. You can read it.”

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: I was wrong because they can’t. They can’t read it.

James Heppner: Why do you think men have such an unhealthy addiction towards pain?

Dr. John Jaquish: Hang on, hang on. Let me just finish where we’re going?

James Heppner: Sorry, go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: I will get back to that. I pivoted after two days and we went towards busy professionals, a lot more busy professionals and people who are kind of want to be bodybuilders or fitness people.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re, oh my God, so much smarter. They will read a study and be like, “Wow, you’re like totally right about this.” All the fitness people I’ve ever talked to, are just basically stupid because they didn’t see this. I’m like, “Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. They didn’t invent what I invented. Of course, they don’t understand.”

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s just, it’s a threshold moment I had that they just never had. I won’t put them down for not having that moment.

James Heppner: Understand. Yeah, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: But at the same time, they’re going to have a lot of trouble putting it all together. There’s a quote from Upton Sinclair, who is a guy I never liked it all, but this was smart. Upton Sinclair was a terrible economist. He didn’t know what the hell he was doing at all. It was like a politician, in the 70s or maybe 60s, he claimed to be an economist. But he thought if you have three apples and you take away seven apples, then you still have three apples.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean dumb. But he would say it is amazing how a man, whose job it is to not understand what you’re saying. I’m not getting it quite right, but it’s like a man is never going to understand what you’re saying

James Heppner: There you go. I understand.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. A lot of trainers felt very threatened. If I know what I’m saying is you don’t need the gym. If you don’t need the gym, do you need the trainer? It turns out you do. A lot of people like having a trainer.

James Heppner: You know what it’s like John?

Dr. John Jaquish: But they still feel threatened.

James Heppner: Yeah. John, sorry just to pause you for a quick second. It’s to me, the little nudging that I feel within right now, is the difference between some people looks what can I connect? What can I bring together here? Other people are always listening. You are in the room listening for what? What to correct? No. Right? The ones that you train to listen for what they apparently can’t understand.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: They’re always looking to how they can correct you. It’s always looking for answers all over it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right, right. Yeah. In connecting with people, some people you just can’t connect with. They’re just not smart enough, but others, you want to look for their language.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Like what is it? Where do they see the failings of the fitness industry and the busy executives? Immediately I pivoted and I was lumped in with bio-hackers, which I don’t love that term. I think it’s kind of strange, but-

James Heppner: Why so? Why do you think it’s strange?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, hacking is bad.

James Heppner: That doesn’t… The body doesn’t feel too safe when you talk about hacking itself up.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. Or I mean, it’s like a computer hacker, but you’re hacking your body functioning.

James Heppner: Well, John, it’s a bit even like the X3… You’re in a safe position always.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: Always neutral risk. Right.

James Heppner: Right. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was always, really like getting to that next stage and when we were marketing the product, there are just a lot more busy executives and they’re a lot smarter and they know how to read. Here’s another thing, the fitness industry. Most fitness material is on Instagram and YouTube. Pictures and videos. Why? Because the audience doesn’t know how to read.

James Heppner: Wow. Interesting. Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m not kidding. We have a lot of people in the Western world who are borderline illiterate. They got to sound out the words or whatever.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: They’re not good at reading. Being the people I need to get away from…

James Heppner: Also, maybe they might have needed to see a visual to get them going, to your point on this vanity. Right? Who knows?

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

James Heppner: But I understand your point.

Dr. John Jaquish: Every day somebody’s like, “Well, we’re never really going to know if your product works, if the guy who’s currently Mr. Olympia isn’t using it.” I thought-

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Genetic exception-

James Heppner: Yeah. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: Whoever’s up there, does not have the genetics of the person who’s talking on the internet, otherwise that person wouldn’t be talking on the internet. Why would you compare yourself to a genetic anomaly who’s using performance-enhancing drugs, when you’re just a guy with, let’s say a regular guy’s job and you just like working out?

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe you should look for more people who did not do well with the standard recommendation. I will say it typically, it’s like the guys over 30 listen a lot easier than the guys who are in their 20s, because guys in their 20s, they think if they do what they read in the fitness magazine.

James Heppner: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Dr. John Jaquish: That they’ll look just like the pro bodybuilder, and guess what? Years later, yeah, they might have put on one or two pounds of muscle, but they look exactly like they start bulking up, which is just another word for getting fat.

James Heppner: True. Yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: They just start eating an insane amount of calories, because somebody told them that’s what you need to do to build muscle. That is not true at all. You can be at a perpetual calorie deficit, I get trolled for saying this, but I can back it up.

James Heppner: Wow. Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: I can back it up with research.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can be at a caloric deficit.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: As long as you’re at a protein surplus with quality proteins and essential amino acids, essentials have to be there. You can gain muscle and lose fat until you have no more fat to lose.

James Heppner: Before I forget, before the show ends, later on, mention your protein product. I love it, it’s fantastic… It’s called Fortagen, by the way, folks. You need to-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. You’re drinking it right now.

James Heppner: I’m drinking it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: It’s just amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: 50 grams of protein and four calories. It’s amazing. John-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s like lemonade. You can see right through it.

James Heppner: Yes.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not something thick.

James Heppner: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s not going to give you gas issues or intestinal pain.

James Heppner: 100%.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: John, you started, you started this last part of this piece of the discussion, by saying, “Okay, so here’s the thing. Even your dad, paying for the pain for the rest of his life, ends up destroying us.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative), mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: Yet, we all want the medal at some point in time. I think like you said, best, we want it at the end of the race. We know that the medal goes to the one, n we hear this self-talk, it’s fitness, more health, because health will take you there.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: Fitness, you’re going to become a monster, eat 10,000 calories. You’re going to die early. Your heart’s going to give away, so John-

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe. Yeah.

James Heppner: Perhaps, who knows? Right. Here’s-

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it depends on what goes in the formula, that you decide is the one you’re going to… Nobody’s going to be 300 pounds muscular if they’re naturally trained.

James Heppner: 100%, 100%.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

James Heppner: What would-

Dr. John Jaquish: Is the problem, is it the drugs that are killing people? No, it’s the muscular size that’s killing people, but they wouldn’t have it if it weren’t for the drugs.

James Heppner: There you go. I get it. It’s like, have this or have that. The question is this, what would a man’s relationship look like with pain? What would it look like if it was healthy? Because let’s be honest, women, they’re either forced to or drawn to, through menstruation, through giving baby birth, if the women choose to do this.

James Heppner: There are varieties of humans. One human says, “I don’t want to give the baby, I’m going to be angry, I’m going to force this thing out, I hate this thing or I hate whatever,” but they’re going to have a lot of libidinal energy that isn’t so healthy towards it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: Guess what? You’re probably not going to… These people don’t have a healthy relationship with pain either. It isn’t like women are just pre-dispositioned to have a healthy relationship with pain because they bleed. That doesn’t, that’s not how it works.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right.

James Heppner: I’m looking at it, going, the variety of women that have chosen to lean into building a healthy relationship with pain naturally, just being drawn into it, embracing it, perhaps.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

James Heppner: I don’t know what it is, but they’ve just been brought into it and they embrace it and it’s part of their life journey. Just from your perspective, what would a man’s relationship with pain look like if it were healthy?

**Dr. John Jaquish:**You would…

Dr. John Jaquish: You would train to pain thresholds and that’s who we stop. Since developing X3 and after turning 40 years old, I have put on 60 pounds of muscle.

James Heppner: Beautiful. I just called you beautiful by the way,

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, man.

James Heppner:: Awkward. Sorry.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, that’s not, you can call me beautiful.

James Heppner: Hey, you’re a specimen. How does that sound? There you go.

Dr. John Jaquish: Pain is your body’s way of saying, “Stop.” But when you lift weights, you get the pain. This is why the book is called Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want because lifting weights, the whole weaker range of motion gives you pain, and you’re accumulating chronic injury. And so everyone who powers through that ends up being a person who can’t raise their hand over their head. When they’re just 30 years old and they can’t do this. And that’s just sad. Those people can’t comb their hair, and I know a lot of guys like that. Most of the guys that are all about lifting are like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: I think that’s just tragic, and so the problem is, that has been the weightlifting culture. And in truth, if your goal is fatigue in the muscle to trigger the most growth, what you do is you ad the range of motion based on the muscle shutting down as opposed to pain. People will say, “Well, would you ever go back to weights? Or what we did six months of weights, you could show everybody that was all functional strength that you build.” Why? I’m not going to go back to something arcane, once I’ve proven that something more advanced works.

James Heppner: And that’s where your science, I hear it. It’s where trumps the card… There’s evidence.

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re going to do a study where instead of a set of medicine to reduce a fever, that’s Tylenol, by the way, they never call it that at the hospital, it’s acetaminophen. You wouldn’t say, “Okay, just for the sake of science, we’re not going to use acetaminophen for the next month. We’re going to go back to covering people with leeches to reduce their fever.” Nobody would want to go to that hospital, that’s arcane. “Did it work to reduce ever? Yes. Do we want to still do that? No.”

James Heppner: I get it a 100%. I love what you said, “Training to your pain threshold.” You didn’t say beyond. It’s perhaps like when a woman’s giving birth naturally, a woman can tear if she pushes beyond, right? And so a woman can tear naturally anyway, but there is something. Go ahead, You were going to say?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. What I’m saying only really applies to a better strategy of loading the body, if you stop with pain with weight lifting, you just never lift weights because it starts to become painful once the weight becomes relevant for strength. That doesn’t make sense, and that’s why people who start to lift weights, they’re only going to lift weights for a certain amount of time.

James Heppner: I’m so excited because we’re going to jump, we’re going to segue use this as a moment. Before I do, I’m going to just share a few thanks to you John, but we’re going to talk real now about the X3, but again before I do that, John, you know what’s interesting, the OsteoStrong device, and of course the, one I have is called Bio Density, but that is your earlier version of OsteoStrong. And so for any of you out there who’s interested in Bio Density, check out I think I’m saying that correctly John, am I saying that right?

Dr. John Jaquish: The website is

James Heppner: Awesome. Okay, so thanks to you, John. What’s interesting is I had COVID before it was a thing in January the first year, I think it came in February. And so our family, we didn’t get tested, but it was something that we’ve never experienced before, right? It was nasty. You know what, John, what’s interesting is the Bio Density or OsteoStrong, which you might not know. It helped in creating empathy and compassion. You might laugh and be like, “What the heck? What did you do?” But I had COVID and my strength throughput. So my performance of course, as you know, on this medical device, OsteoStrong, shows r exact level of performance, right?

James Heppner: And so what’s interesting is, after that whole experience, what was fascinating is, and I’ll never forget. It was like the three-month mark, COVID lasted about two weeks. I felt like garbage for a month, and then months two and three. I was still going down in strength and I could see it on my training and it freaked me out, to be honest. I didn’t feel like crap, but I could see it go down to my chart. And I dropped down to about literally half my strength, but I felt okay. What’s interesting is it took me a year again to come back to that baseline. And so honestly, when I hear people going through it, COVID is just so overblown. COVID is COVID whatever. I’m not saying whatever, but let’s not forget there are people having heart attacks, let’s not forget helping them with and heart transplant. Let’s not make COVID everything.

Dr. John Jaquish: Oh, six times more people die of pneumonia every year, and all-

James Heppner: Exactly. But John, ultimately I’m going to say thanks to you, Mr. Bio engineer. You help me to open up to a new emotional place, and I’ve worked hard when it comes to compassion and empathy, so thanks John for that. John, next two things, firstly, before we get onto X3, my wife, I think for my 40th birthday or something like that, she bought for me a vibrating plate. And so John, she talked with you helped her set up, and this thing that was delivered to our house was fantastic, I was so excited. John, I got a quick question on decentering. What are your thoughts and why is it essential? I don’t know if that’s the words you use, decentering? Why is it essential to power, performance, strength gain? However you want to language this, go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: many processes in the body balance you, and like any other process, be it your long-distance vision; trying to focus on something far away versus something up close. You can exercise your eyes; your muscles with your eyes. You can exercise a skeletal muscle, making that stronger. So you’re stabilizing processes, if you’re not challenging them, they’re probably getting worse. And we see this with aging and we pave everything in society, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: And what I like about vibrational platforms is that they make the body unstable. The body has to restabilize itself. It calls upon a lot of different processes that you don’t normally fire up; just activities of daily living. Now, if you’re a FIFA soccer player, your balance is probably solid. I don’t think you need one, though those guys do love them; a balancing protocol so that you get reflexes to fire and recenter yourself. That’s an amazing stimulus, and there’s no other piece of the gym or med equipment like it. Here’s the problem, “So remember I like entering with the limitations.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Whole body vibration, really the only thing that people are looking for that it does; it up-regulates growth hormone. It can make you look younger, it can rejuvenate your skin, and, up-regulating growth hormone. In 2015, I wrote a meta-analysis about this. Somebody just searches, Jake Wish Alkaya 2016, you’ll find that paper. Only meta-analysis I’m ever going to do. I hated writing that thing; that was so hard. So for those of you who are listening, and don’t know, a meta-analysis; it’s a study that considers all other studies on a subject and uses statistics to wait for each study.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Because some are more powerful than others, some are in short-term, some had a small sample size, some had a large sample size, some had a bias, and so you disqualify them and you explain why you disqualified them, so people know your methods. And so when they go to review and judge, what the value of the study is and that’s why meta-analysis are concerned highest form of medical evidence.

Dr. John Jaquish: So what I looked at was pre-imposed growth hormone. And what stabilization firing does is; it gives you a lot of growth hormone, your body creates more growth hormone, unheard of amounts by comparison to some of the other activities, so this keeps us lean, keeps us stronger. Growth hormone, contrary a popular belief, is not anabolic, it is the anti-catabolic difference.

James Heppner: Yeah, that’s big.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. But also it assists in lipolysis; it can accelerate your body fat loss. If you’re not at caloric deficit or fasting, you’re not losing any body fat body way I don’t care what the hell kind of assistance you have. A lot of people think that it’s a way that they can eat a crappy diet and still lean in great looking, I’m sorry it’s never going to work that way. That’s not the only thing vibration does that gives people something they’re looking for. Now-

James Heppner: What you’re saying is that it doesn’t guarantee that your bones will get twice as strength? Anyway ay, go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it’s a shame because there aren’t any studies that show bone density. They played a game with math because of the acceleration of the plate. You’re actually at six times gravity, total BS. I was one of the owners of the largest, whole-body vibration therapy company, and cleaning up the claims was unreal.

James Heppner: Which by the way John, you now have your vibe plate, I’ve seen online. Fantastic. Good on you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. It’s called the GHAccelerator; a growth hormone accelerator.

James Heppner: Beautiful. And that-

Dr. John Jaquish: Because I want to talk about the thing that people care about, but here’s the other thing I was going to say. It has more research than the growth hormone thing on short-term, potentiation of muscle. So it gets a muscle warm and ready to fire, but doesn’t wear it out. It doesn’t take away from the ATP glycogen creatine phosphate because a lot of guys, as you see, like NFL players warming up on the side using an exercise bike, they’re using their ATP, they’re burning their energy to do that. You don’t need to do that. You can-

James Heppner: I love that.

Dr. John Jaquish: …you can warm up without exhausting yourself. Now that’s a very specific application and most people who are not ready to go on the court and do something amazing; playing against world-class players, are not thinking about what’s the perfect warmup, what’s the perfect activation for this extreme athletic endeavor I’m going to do next. That’s just not interesting to people, so even though I’m very well versed in that library of literature, I’m not really inventing it because unless I’m talking to a pro athlete, nobody cares.

James Heppner: It’s fascinating. It’s almost a little bit like people have a neuro-association that links, “If I don’t burn energy, meaning, if I don’t feel a drop in energy, then perhaps it does nothing, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Well, I get people all the time who are like… here’s an example, troll comment. There’d be an advertisement for my book, ‘Weight Lifting is a Waste of Time’ and somebody will comment always get a better workout from weights.” Now, number one, the guy’s dumb because he hasn’t done what I’m talking about and he’s claiming to make dumb because comparison is; the definition of a fool.

Dr. John Jaquish: The other thing is, and this is how I answer it, “Is your objective when you work out to quote, get a good workout, or is it to grow muscle?” Because there’s a massive difference. There was-end end gym where I grew up, not really grew up, but in Napa valley and I watched people going in and out of this gym for 10 years. They always told me about the great workout. Never put on an ounce of muscle, never lost any amount of body fat. They looked very average the day I met them, 10 years later, they didn’t look any different, but I always hear they had a great workout.

James Heppner: A great workout that made no difference. That’s the formula. That’s amazing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Hey, there are some foolish people thinking t they need to grow muscles, so they go and eat a large pizza and they’re like, “Oh yeah, I’m ready to grow.” And of course, I’ll say, “Yeah, you’re ready to grow your fat.” you’re not going to grow any muscle from eating a pizza, so the worst thing out there.

James Heppner: I love it when you say pizza. Pizza’s not a very high vibratory food. Jumping onto a vibe plate is going to get a whole bunch of things moving, limbs of all types. But like you said, it helps you to get your body warm, ready to fire without expanding and blowing your ATP. So let’s jump straight into X3. And again, when I purchased X3, you just mentioned to me that you had something coming out, and I don’t know if I was number 30 or number 3000; makes me no difference. I had one of your earlier models anyway, and I’ve since got some upgrades, different bands, different things, and I love it. I think this is your current tech and you may have other things because you’re an innovator, John.

James Heppner: You’re meeting society at the base note foundational metric. Listen, this is what I think could make a difference, and this is what I think could help shift and where we as humans need to go now, all right? I’m just going to layer it in. When I start my X3, I stand on my Vi plate, and then I do my X3 movements on this plate. John, help people understand what is X3 and also help us understand this thing, NBA basketball tells, there’s one team that I know on specific uses only the X3.

Dr. John Jaquish: Miami Heat.

James Heppner: Yeah. Talk Miami heat. Talk to me here because this is pretty drastic, that makes quite the statement. If you don’t mind unpack for us X3. I’m excited; I know what it’s done for me. I’ve been using it for three years. Amazing. Go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: The objective of X3 is what people do when they lift. And when they lift, they pick a weight they can handle in their weakest range, they have to by definition. So that’s where the most stimulus is happening; when they’re firing the least amount of muscle and causing the greatest amount of injury. I knew that didn’t make sense, but what I needed was a weight that would change to match, or come close to matching the capacity of output. And so I had to talk to some LaTex manufacturers because no bands that existed were strong enough to do what I was talking about. The bands by themselves, any band by itself is worthless as a workout tool because you go throw a band around your back and do a pushup.

A portable, all-in-one home gym system

Dr. John Jaquish: This is happening with your wrist, so you’re twisting your wrists, or if you step on the band to do a deadlift, you’re twisting your ankles. It takes seven pounds, a lateral force to break an ankle. And if you’re trying to do a deadlift by standing on a band that’s lateral force. My deadlift with X3 is over 600 pounds for high repetitions. We’re talking 20 plus repetitions. You need something where you’re not just standing on a band or hanging on a band. The band by themselves are worthless, so you need something to keep the wrist neutral, which is an Olympic bar. That’s a seen in fitness, the weights can rotate, but the bar stays solid in your hand because there’re barons to allow for the rotation. And if you’re starting from a deadlift, the angle at which you grab the bar, isn’t going to be the same at the bottom and the top.

Dr. John Jaquish: But if the bar can roll and it doesn’t compromise your grip, it doesn’t matter. I developed an Olympic-style that could hang on to the very heavy LaTex banding. Then a second ground to stand on which we call the ground plate, and that is to protects the ankles, so the banding can move freely underneath. Now, when we look at the exercise application, what we want is a pretty dramatic difference from weather k to the strong range, so as we go to fatigue with the diminishing range, so s is very important. When you go to fatigue, you do the full range repetitions until you can’t anymore, and then you just start to go as far as you can. So each rep gets shorter as you go to fatigue. And the last rep might only be an inch with a very low amount of weight, but you fatigue the entire muscle and all of the ranges of motion.

Dr. John Jaquish: So certain muscles have different areas of the tissue fire. It doesn’t matter with X3 because everything fires and goes to fatigue by its capacity in its position space. It’s a much deeper level of fatigue with higher weight, and the amount of weight that you’re using is completely related to the activity of your testosterone receptors are. This is why people in the thirties and four have higher testosterone. Normally they have higher testosterone, but they’re getting weaker. It’s because they’re not lifting as heavy because of the joint complications they’ve been accumulating, but with X3, that’s irrelevant

Dr. John Jaquish: What is the difference between the NFL player and the regular guy who wanted to be an NFL player, but just couldn’t gain any muscle? How?Here are some people have taken a blind unscientific ridiculous guess, which is typically what people do and say, “Well, the NFL player has more testosterone.” False, pretty much, given the age of individuals now borrowing chemical poisoning, or high soy consumption, or using the hand sanitizers in other ways, we poison ourselves. All that aside, racially, there’re some differences in testosterone; Pacific Islanders, people of African descent, have higher testosterone, the Caucasians who have higher testosterone than Hispanics, who have higher testosterone than Asians, typically. There’s a range for each group of people and it’s not that different. I’m going to start saying this guy’s name because I’d love to hear from him again. It’s a guy I went to high school with his name was Mark Demarest, and I think everybody went to high school with one guy like this.

Dr. John Jaquish: We started lifting weights at the same time. He was maybe an inch shorter than me, maybe 10 or 15 pounds heavier, but he wasn’t as lean as I was. So I thought like, “Oh yeah, we’re similar.” We were in a weight training class together, and I did not join the football team, I was a little too small. He was on the football team. The guy put on 40 pounds of muscle in one academic year. Maybe he was even more than that, you couldn’t even recognize him. He put on muscle so easily, and I’m working out with this guy.

We’re both going to the same fatigue, this guy’s growing, and I’m just like “No. What are you doing, man? Are you taking anything that you’re not supposed to be taking?” And he is like, “No. I wouldn’t even know who to ask for that, we are 16.” So I’m like, “What are you doing?” He’s like, “Honestly, when I’m not at school, I smoke cigarettes.” I knew that wasn’t it. He’s like, “That’s probably the only thing that I’m doing that you’re not doing.” I probably shouldn’t have used his real name.

Dr. John Jaquish: Unbelievable athleticism out of this guy, just unreal. Then we became even closer friends. We were in the founding year of the swim team. We started the swim team at the school and he and I were swimming the same strokes, and it was really interesting. You cannot power your way through the water. You have to have a good stroke.

James Heppner: Interesting.

Dr. John Jaquish: It was funny because he was so stronger than me. I had been a swimmer since I was six years old. We bonded over that. He was like, “I thought I just push harder. I go faster.” I’m like, “No, no, no, no. It’s like trying to drive a bulldozer in the ocean. It’s not going to work that way.”

James Heppner: There’s your whole efficiency play again, right John?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, yeah.

James Heppner: Go ahead. I love it. So it started early… Just keep going.

Dr. John Jaquish: Mark was like the prototype of my problem. Well, he was the one who didn’t have my problem, but he defined my problem for me because I was like, “Why is there a guy who can just do what our coach said we do, and this guy just grows; out of control growth, or seemingly.” And hardly anything happened to me. That was my story with weight lifting. It just didn’t really ll. It worked sort of, but when I would have my shirt off at the beach, somebody is like, “Huh. You work out?” But when I was wearing a shirt, nobody would’ve ever asked me if I worked out. Whereas now I get stopped in grocery stores, and kids are like, “Are you in the NFL? Or can I get your autograph? Or where have I seen you before? You’re like a famous guy.” And they’re looking at my arms. “That feels great by the way.” I researched it and I found the difference. I found what is different about the people who put on muscle easily, and the people who don’t, and it’s not hormonal, it’s where your tendons connect.

James Heppner: Wow. Wow. Brilliant. Oh yeah, I read that in your book. I think-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s at the end of the book. My pectoral muscle starts, it’s the origin on the sternum, and then its insertion is really underneath the bicep. It’s grabbing a hold of the humorous bone and it’s moving the humorous bone toward the body. This is the contracted position of the pectoral, and this is instruct position of the pectoral, so moving the humorous bone towards the midline of the body is the job of the pectoral. Now, if instead of it being attached at the top of the humorous bone-

Dr. John Jaquish: The head of it being attached at the top of the humerus bone, what happens, and some people have this mutation and these are the ones who go into the NFL and Mark could have gone into the NFL. He didn’t, I think he joined the Marines, but his attachment was down here.

James Heppner: Well, superhuman, something.

Dr. John Jaquish: At the end of the bone. And I’ve never seen an MRI, but many trainers have mentioned, Mike Tyson has this genetic difference so that he has full access to his pectoral power just a few inches away from his face. Watch the guy fight, he ducks inside. He gets his torso parallel with the ground, runs at the guy, and then, pops up right in his face. Nobody can land a punch on him, but he can deliver an uppercut a few inches he’s away from his face with almost full power, and knock him out. Nobody else can do it. So it’s a genetic thing. Once understanding this, I thought, okay, that makes perfect sense and-

James Heppner: I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: …also shows why is it that 6.6% of American males use anabolic steroids or have used yet are 6.6% of people walking around looking like bodybuilders?

James Heppner: No.

Dr. John Jaquish: No.

James Heppner: That’s right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe one out of 6,000 or maybe one out of 60,000. So, are steroids the answer? No, they might be part of the solution for a certain group of athletes, but it’s the tendon insertion points that are going to make the difference. Now you obviously can’t change those. That’s just genetic and you’re born that way. But when you train with variable resistance, it doesn’t matter.

James Heppner: Brilliant.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, we’re all the same. So, I can get just as much muscle growth as the NFL player who’s genetically gifted, even though I am not.

James Heppner: Brilliant.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yes.

James Heppner: Brilliant. I have a nephew who’s a spanning, NHL goalie. And so, I sent him… At first, I read that in Dave Asprey, or I read it in your book and then I heard it on the Dave Asprey show where you unpacked it. And so I thought that was brilliant because let’s be honest, this 18-year-old kid is fantastic. His name is Malachi, showed up to Malachi Klassen, a fantastic guy. And so of course, I don’t know where his tendons are attached, but we all want to know what would it look like to ride the edge, and slightly hang off the edge.

James Heppner: And so what would it look like to us? Not be like, they have an advantage and we don’t. It’s like, listen let alone helplessness, we can get rid of all that crap and just be like… And so again, that raw, that desire for you to link into the reality principle and just get beneath it instead of… And so, you have a questioning mind, you’re always questioning. You can see what’s going on, it isn’t desiring to get to the end of it necessarily, but it’s going actually, and you’re just nicely… And I don’t think you’re plugging holes.

James Heppner: Your fingers don’t have to stay attached to all the holes, but what’s happening is you’re nicely giving the world a new platform to engage within, John. So I think it’s just amazing. When I hear you talk, anybody that wants to be challenged, honestly, they should be reading your book, listening to your podcast, mostly they’ll have a real experience with your devices.

James Heppner: I want to ask you a bit how they can have a real experience with that, but before we do, John, I got two questions for you and I hope you’re okay with this, but these are two questions that are humanity based and their humanity is just, how you said, you’re not all about just saying I got it all figured out. So, are you okay if I ask you two questions to go down the line?

Dr. John Jaquish: Anything. You can ask me anything.

James Heppner: Fine. Okay, There are always two sides to an individual, and the individual, like you and I right now, we’re well dressed. Well, at least I tried. I got my hair done, you got your hair done, whatever hair is there. We’re presenting a side of not just, we got it all figured out, but we’re presenting the struggles that we choose to engage in and participate with. And that’s our extreme obsession, to be there. And so, instead of all the accolades, John, just real quick, where do you struggle? Honestly, where do you struggle?

Dr. John Jaquish: Okay. Yeah, I do know the answer to that question. Sometimes, when I’m between projects, I wake up and don’t know what I’m doing that day. And I feel a little… And I walk into the office, sit down and I’m… Like I had this after the book was finished. Not really after the book was finished, because then there were six months of promotion of the book and I was on one podcast after another one, new show after another and it was good. And then it was like, that was done. And I was like, “Okay, what’s next?”

Dr. John Jaquish: And I laughed to myself because I didn’t get frustrated. I was just like, “What’s my next thing?” Now, we have a research and development team and they’re working on some things that I got the ball rolling on a while ago and those things are going well. And so, I can reinsert myself in some of those things and see how they’re doing and maybe move along a little faster, but it’s not having a purpose. It’s an empty day. And so, I… Just off frame this way is my fiancé and-

James Heppner: Nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. She’s sitting right here. She’s a little shy though. I won’t show her. And she probably, she’s never even heard me say this because nobody’s asked me that question, but I do find it funny, I know that I’m impossible to be around when I’m driving on a project. For anyone, but probably her, because she knows than those days when I’m between stuff, I don’t know what she thinks because she probably hasn’t identified it yet. But the days where she’s like, “Is everything all right?” Those are those days. Because now not everything’s…

Dr. John Jaquish: I got to have a project. I got to have something that I’m growing. Some piece of research, some… And sometimes it’s just a small thing where somebody, like a couple of weeks ago-

James Heppner: John, perhaps she wants you to chase her. Ask her after the show.

Dr. John Jaquish: Don’t worry. There’s plenty of that going on.

James Heppner: No, I love it. Go ahead.

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m not at a lack of chasing her. We’re getting there.

James Heppner: It’s all good. Hey, I’m just teasing.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. But yeah, I suppose when I retire, whatever that is, I still have that project, because, and my father’s just like this too. He’s always got something that driving towards and if he doesn’t, he’s just not a happy guy. And that’s okay because I’d rather be that than directionless. But I always need something that I’m working on. Maybe someday it’ll be like a treehouse for the kid, kind of thing, and it’ll probably be the best treehouse anyone’s ever seen.

Dr. John Jaquish: I don’t know if I’ll put a helipad on the roof because it isn’t a tree, but if it can be done, I’ll pull it off. And so, I do need that. I need a project.

James Heppner: I love it. Thanks for your honesty. I love that. It’s when you see you need a project-

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, and it’s also, it doesn’t manifest in beautiful ways necessarily. Sometimes you’re just like, “What’d I get up for today?”

James Heppner: Yeah. You and I are similar. And again, I don’t want to… We are very different, but we are similar to some degree.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure.

James Heppner: I’m not here leaching on to your program and vice versa. We’re not doing this for each other. This is not called helpful. But I’ll just say it this way, sometimes we, at least for me to do everything to feel the electrifying tension. I do everything, I want to be in that space all the time, all the time. It’s like somebody once asked, and I think I watched the video a little while ago, Elon Musk, they asked him what it’s like to be inside of his brain or in his head or his heart. And he goes, “It feels like there’s a constant explosion.”

James Heppner: And some of the things that I have realized, and I want to know your perspective on this. I have discovered that when I slow down, that doesn’t mean that I’m not in that electrifying tension. And for me, my daily routine involves slowing everything down once or twice. Why? Because I’ve realized that for me, health is not a journey to be solved. It’s something to be enjoyed. It’s not a problem to be fixed or a mystery to be solved.

James Heppner: And so, what I do is, John, I go for a walk or I study a good book or I enter a great conversation like this with you and I get to listen to all of your wisdom. And it’s a fun play. And I slow it all down so that I can be more fully here. And so, sometimes when I feel like this inner conflict happens, what ends up happening is I say, “How could I return to an electrifying tension-rich world?” And sometimes that movement needs to take a different cadence. And for me, it just slowed down.

James Heppner: And so, I think, I don’t know what you think of this, but I think we should never neglect our bodies and rely only on our soul or spirit. Our soul and spirit speak to us through our body until they finally operate as one. So, what do you do to slow it all down? Or what do you do? I don’t know if it’s slow it down, but what do you do so that you can best optimize the experience of enjoying it all? The electrifying tension of it all. What do you do? Do you have a certain ritual? Do you do something like that?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. Usually, only when I’m endlessly thinking about something, I start writing because once it’s on paper, it doesn’t have to occupy my mind. I can park it there.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then I make myself be not allowed to think about it because that’s wasteful, it’s on the paper. And then I’ll write like, “I need to find a study that says something like this.” Or maybe says the opposite because maybe I’m going in the wrong direction. And then so, I’ll basically write myself a statement and then write myself a couple of questions about that statement like I was a critic. There’s a statement and here’s how I would punch holes in that statement.

James Heppner: Brilliant.

Dr. John Jaquish: Now, let’s answer those three questions, and if I can answer those three questions and they all reconcile the statement, then that’s a strong statement. If I don’t reconcile with that statement-

James Heppner: Brilliant.

Dr. John Jaquish:…then maybe that’s not the right direction to go or come up with a different way of explaining or something.

James Heppner: Really? When you think about when you write it down and we’re getting towards the end of the show here, when you write it down, you’re able to experience your obsessions, extreme obsession, by capturing and then that consciousness flood enters the paper and then you can go on and you can meander in your mind. So it doesn’t sound like what you’re saying, that you have a specific ritual, like go for a walk or do this.

James Heppner: And what you’re saying is I find a way to dump what I have into a safe container and then I curate it down to one or two or three great quality questions, which has your brain meander about it while you sleep and you could percolate on it. Right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Mm-hmm (Affirmative).

James Heppner: And that’s what it sounds like to me. I like it. I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Here’s another thing I do when I make these drawings, I only write in acronym. There are no recognizable words.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: And I do that so anybody looking at it will be like, “What is this crap?” It doesn’t make any sense to anyone but me because it’s a note to myself, only I should be able to read it. Right?

James Heppner: But John, here’s the problem. I have a friend-

Dr. John Jaquish: Better than any password because you’re like, “This is just gibberish.”

James Heppner: I have a friend, their son, they just moved, cleaned up his apartment. He just decided one day he’s not living in his fancy place. And he was out in Mexico. He just says, “Listen, clean up the place here in Vancouver. And you can just sell the stuff, whatever.” They found a book that he had published and they never knew about it. So there’s a thing, John, if-

Dr. John Jaquish: Their son had written and published a book and they didn’t know?

James Heppner: And they have a close relationship. The son’s high-functioning autistic. But you can argue that is like, I have a high-functioning autistic boy. That’s very innovative. Right? So John-

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s great.

James Heppner:…hilarious. So John still reading acronyms-

Dr. John Jaquish: Also, that guy has no ego. Cool dude. I’d like to meet that guy.

James Heppner: Totally. And his book, what was it called again? Something like his book was called Success is a Lie… Or Fulfillment’s a Lie, It’s All Success. Or something. It was bizarre. I forget the name of it, but it’s hilarious. So you might want to reconsider if you’re talking about building a little playroom for Sarah or Johnny, and then you have a helipad, you might want to leave some writings in case you go early, my friend. Because you have a desire to paddle shift and drive fast in your Lambo. So I’m not quite sure but-

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s true.

James Heppner: …you might want to make sure you leave him an inheritance or something there anyway. So, that’s good.

Dr. John Jaquish: Sure. Well, I do that typically until I file a patent.

James Heppner: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. That’s a pre-patent move, because-

James Heppner: So you are completely… You have everything in order, I love it. It’s so nice. Okay. John, question and this ties it all together. What is OsteoStrong, your VibePlate, the X3, your Fortagen protein, all of what you’ve created that’s currently available in the market? What does it all have in common? I got three or four more questions. Popcorn style. Don’t need to be super lengthy. Just what comes to mind? What do they all have in common?

Dr. John Jaquish: It is the highest love level of performance. These are the different roads you need to take to the highest level of performance. And they’re accessible to all people. That’s important to me. It’s like if an elderly female can’t use it then there’s something wrong with it, then it’s not a good solution.

James Heppner: It’s interesting. I’m always drawn to people that are about connection and that last part got me, accessible to all. That’s a beautiful play. You’re not here to market your product to some elite, even though it’s beyond and some of the more elite people can read better than people that live on the street. You don’t parse it out like that.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: Man, your lucky fiancé she’s going to be a lucky woman someday. John, awesome on that. For all of the listeners here, I would encourage all of you to check out his book. Weightlifting Is a Waste of Time. Why? Well, for me, it just lists the real dangers of lifting, and John, what’s the benign side of that? That’s the hostile side.

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, explains the better way.

James Heppner: The better way. Thank you.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

James Heppner: Beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: And so, somebody might want to just learn all that information. There’s also very valuable nutrition information that you won’t find anywhere else. I have a very different take on nutrition.

James Heppner: Brilliant. I was going to malnutrition on this call. We just didn’t get around to it, perhaps some other time but I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: A very different take on nutrition. About 30 pages of the 250-page book are about the X3, but it wasn’t written to be a sales pitch for X3. Some of the trolls say that, but they’re just looking for something negative to say anyway. It’s more like here’s the rationale as to why we had to go in a different direction. And we, I mean society, people who care about being healthy, there’s another way we got to go. And here it is. And so, it’s all the background information, it’s credible knowledge.

Dr. John Jaquish: Even if somebody doesn’t necessarily want to go down the X3 road, or if you do, you’re going to be an expert on how X3 works.

James Heppner: Love it. And I would agree. I read the book. I love it. Got me queued up. I was really in the process of using the X3 when I received the book, but it explained it, honestly, information is power. When it’s clear, it’s concise. It’s based on evidence. It’s based on the real stuff, the raw, the reality, principle. Love it. John, where can people experience OsteoStrong? How can they? Where or how can they experience OsteoStrong?

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, we just opened up the first location in Canada and I believe it’s in Toronto. So that does well. You’re still in the group, right?

James Heppner: Yeah, I have a device. Of course, as I said, I have one.

Dr. John Jaquish: You have one, right.

James Heppner: Yeah. I have one personally. Which, by the way, speaking of, can people still purchase the OsteoStrong for personal use if they like, or is that not available for purchase?

Dr. John Jaquish: I think that answer may have changed, but last I checked, yeah.

James Heppner: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can still buy it for your home. Tony Robbins has a whole set in each one of his homes, so yeah.

James Heppner: I have a whole group of listeners in the US and different parts of the world. So, any other locations in the US or different parts of the world?

Dr. John Jaquish: We’re in 10 different countries. I’d go on the website and just search. There’s a location finder there.

James Heppner: Okay. Makes sense. Makes sense. X3, the bar, and all your products, where can they find all of this information?

Dr. John Jaquish: The name of my company is Jaquish Biomedical, my last name. It’s tough to spell, so I created a new landing page for podcasts. So it’s D-O-C-T-O-R the letter J .com. If you click on superior nutrition, you’ll find Fortagen, you click on superior exercise, you’ve got X3.

James Heppner: Beautiful.

Dr. John Jaquish: You click on bone density; it’ll take you to OsteoStrong. And then there’s a banner right up top about the book and it’ll take you to the Amazon page, it shows you it’s a Wall Street Journal bestseller. Yeah.

James Heppner: Beautiful. Hey, who knows perhaps I just botched that. So you could say it again.

Dr. John Jaquish: It’s D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter J .com.

James Heppner: Love it. Last question. On the topic of exploring extreme obsessions and fascinations, what are you currently exploring? Do you want to share at all what you’re exploring or is it all going to be in code written now, we are not going to hear about it until it’s out? Do you want to let us in on anything that’s coming?

Dr. John Jaquish: I’ve been spending a lot of hours learning about polymers. Just little polymer engineering projects. I hit some materials out there that could make people a lot healthier if leveraged correctly. That’s one thing I’m working on. There’s another thing, the biggest thing I’m working on.

James Heppner: John, you’re ever the curious cat, you always like to leave and that’s fantastic. I love it. Speaking of leverage, I just came up with the last, I know I already said last question, but one more. For the listeners, could you stack rank the three modalities? So, if we just take, for example, your OsteoStrong, we take your X3 and we take your VibePlate. If you were to stack rank, which one would you say people should engage? Should, could engage?

Dr. John Jaquish: That’s a great question. That’s a great question because of people… Some of the people who love the GHAccelerator, the vibration product we have, they’re like, “Why don’t you push it more?” And my answer is that it gives you an additional 5% benefit on what you’re getting from X3, which is less than half the price of the growth hormone accelerator. So if you’re not on a budget, well, first of all, X3 is an absolute life-changer for most people. Now, if you’re elderly and you have compromised bone OsteoStrong is going to be the most important thing.

James Heppner: I love it.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. So it depends on the person.

James Heppner: Demographic Specific.

Dr. John Jaquish: My mother uses X3. She has no idea that she is ridiculously strong. I can see her in the garden carrying a hundred-pound bags of soil, one go.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: 50-pound bags of soil in each hand.

James Heppner: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah. And she’s in her mid-80s.

James Heppner: Wow. Intense.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It’s great because she doesn’t know how much force is there. She’s just using the dark gray band for her dead lift. And it’s crazy how much force that is. But she just does it because that’s the one that’s challenging for her. So it’s beautiful, but building muscle’s not my mom’s biggest issue. Or at least it wasn’t. She needed to treat her bone density. In the beginning, it was OsteoStrong, now that she has a bone density of a 30-year-old, now she’s a little more focused on her muscular strength and maybe getting quality protein.

Dr. John Jaquish: At least she gets quality protein when I’m home because she knows I’m watching her. Because I tell her I’m watching her and that kind of thing. When I’m not there, I’m sure there are a few more pastries but whenever. It just depends on the person, but the GHAccelerator is an accessory to X3. X3 is going to be the most important for most people unless they’re at a bone density compromised position, and then it’ll be OsteoStrong and then X3 will be number two.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

James Heppner: So there you go, folks, you can find all of Dr. Jaquish and I always try to say with an N Jaquish and it’s spelled, I think J-A-Q-

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s no N in it. They know. Everyone knows that.

James Heppner: I know, that’s the weird thing. And I’ve often looked and I’m like, “I wonder if I’m not being kind to this human but when he talks to me, he says Jaquish, but I’m like, okay, but there’s no N.”

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I don’t. There’s no N. I don’t say the N, people. I don’t know. You and 10,000 other people do that, so I’m not bothered at all. It’s Jaquish.

James Heppner: Witch.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of people want to put that in there. I don’t know where that came from.

James Heppner: A witch, and you would be the last two things that I correlate, but hey, if you want to go there. No, anyways, speaking of, you’re going to want to go to like And you’re going to find all his information. You’re going to stay up to date on what he’s doing in relation to polymers and different things. Stay in tune there. So Doctor J, thank you for coming on. You have blessed my soul, my spirit, and I love talking with you. You are a vibing human that… You just flow brother-

Dr. John Jaquish: Thanks, James.

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