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By Lead Pedal Podcast on December 28, 2021

LP728 Exercising on The Road With Dr. John Jaquish PHD

LP728 Exercising on The Road With Dr. John Jaquish PHD

Dr. John Jaquish, creator of the X3 Bar dispels many health myths and discusses how to get back on track with exercise, nutrition, and much more in this episode.

Full Transcript

Bruce Outridge: Hello, welcome to Lead Pedal Podcast. I’m your host.

Bruce Outridge: This is episode number 728. And today, we’re going to talk with John Jaquish. Now, John Jaquish is a Ph.D., he’s created a new program to help you get healthier. And it’s very attractive for truck drivers because it’s a mobile system. So stay tuned and we’re going to talk with John about how this works and where you can get it. So, stay tuned.

Bruce Outridge: All right, John’s got a bar called the X3. This is an exercise bar that is metal with a strap around it, and it’s got all kinds of stuff to it. And he designed this bar, and he’s been interviewed on some other media types. He talks about the immense benefits of people having a good body, and he demystifies a lot of the normal things that you’ve heard about health and wellness and what you should be doing. So it’s going to be an interesting episode, for sure.

Bruce Outridge: He reached out to me, his team reached out to me. He’s the bestselling author and inventor of the X3 Bar, a variable resistance training device that is known as the world’s most effective bone density building medical device. He has a dedicated following on Instagram and other places. He’s the bestselling author of Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want, where he dives deep into the revolutionary benefits of variable resistance training, he talks a lot about how fitness can change your life and the mental tools that you need to build up your bone mass. And this was all started of trying to take care of a family member.

And he developed this system and now has gone on with it. So we’re going to talk to John today about how it works and some of the tips that you can get for being healthy and wealthy on the road. Not wealthy, but healthy. I guess if you’ve got good health, that’s wealthy too. And we’re going to talk to him about how all that works. So stay tuned, and we’ll be right back with Dr. John Jaquish.

Bruce Outridge: All right everybody, on the line I have Dr. John Jaquish. Did I get it right?

Dr. John Jaquish: You got it right.

Bruce Outridge: All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can say my last name.

Bruce Outridge: Thanks for helping me with that. That’s a wonderful way of doing it, for sure.

Bruce Outridge: So welcome to the Lead Pedal Podcast. We are an audience of truck drivers and health is a major issue. The average truck driver’s life is 65. And as I creep older and older in life, I’m going, “Okay, they’re not that far off here.”

Bruce Outridge: So, before we get started, let’s start with you. We’re going to talk about the X3Bar that you’ve got and your exercise bar. But how did you get into the exercise realm? What was your history before?

Dr. John Jaquish: So my history with life sciences is that my mother was diagnosed with Osteoporosis. So that’s bone loss, the density of bone. It happens to post-menopausal women, usually, three out of five women suffer some health complications based on their low bone density. My mother was diagnosed with this and she looked at the treatment options, and they’re all pharmaceutical and they all had some serious side effects associated, so she didn’t want to do that.

Dr. John Jaquish: This might help. She didn’t want to do that. It’s actually a great microphone.

Bruce Outridge: Great microphone when you use it, awesome!

Dr. John Jaquish: I’m like, “Are you able to hear me?”

Bruce Outridge: I was able to hear you before, but you’re probably a little clearer now, so that’s nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: So my mother, and I developed axial compression, so the axis of a bone is the length of a bone, and so compressing it from end to end. And so that device worked pretty well, and that’s now, there are 150 clinics in nine different countries that are using this technology.

Bruce Outridge: Oh wow. Now is that what you do, is develop devices like that? Is that kind of your main, I hate to say job because we all do a million different things, but is that your main business I guess, is probably the best way to say it?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well yeah, it was, until I came up with X3. And so, it was the research from the done density devices that showed me just how poor of a stimulus, for muscle growth, weightlifting is because what I demonstrated in the study was that we are seven times stronger in extension than we are, not full-extension, almost full extension than we are in the weaker ranges of motion. So you know you have a seven-fold difference in output capacity from one place to another, why would you ever train with static weight? Doesn’t make any sense, we don’t have one gear cars either.

Dr. John Jaquish: And the automatic ones have 22 gears, you just don’t have to change anymore.

Bruce Outridge: That’s great!

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and it’s just like if we have such variability in our capacity to produce output, why would we train with a static weight? It doesn’t make any sense at all.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: And the only answer we have is, fitness started by people lifting up rocks, before Christ. And then rocks kind of evolved into kettlebells, which evolved into dumbbells and now we’re somehow going in the opposite direction.

Dr. John Jaquish: People go from dumbbells to kettlebells, and they think they’ve made an advancement.

Bruce Outridge: Well yeah, before the internet and all of those things, people moved around, you worked on the farm. Even when if you weren’t doing weights, you were moving, you were doing things. And nowadays, we all just sit in front of a computer, no matter where we are and for drivers, you’re just sitting.

Dr. John Jaquish: Or in the driver’s seat, you know.

Bruce Outridge: Yeah and so probably one of the biggest things, and I’m going to have to change because I was at the gym this morning using those weights you were just telling me I shouldn’t be using, we’ll talk about that in a little bit. But let’s start with the motivation, how we do we get somebody, especially, I mean you’re super fit there, you look like you’ve been doing this for more than a week but there are lots of us, especially drivers who want to get fit, there’s some much information out there and when you’re driving 13 hours a day and you only have a couple of minutes here and there to try and do things, how do you get started, motivated to do this?

Dr. John Jaquish: Well, it’s like anything else, if it matters, you’ll make time. You meet someone that could be a great partner when you’re young in life, and you always find time to call that person.

Bruce Outridge: Yeah, that’s funny how that happens.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah you also, you always find time to brush your teeth.

Bruce Outridge: Yep.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, so that’s 10 minutes a day. Five minutes in the morning, five minutes in the inaudible, everybody finds time to do that, finds time to use the restroom, no one will have much of a choice. Can you find time, can you find 10 minutes to workout in? The X3 workouts are short, it’s brutally hard, but it’s short. And I find that people actually aren’t lazy. They don’t have the time, is most of it. It’s like the idea of driving to a gym, changing their clothes, doing the workout, changing back, maybe having to shower, going somewhere else, it’s like, an hour and a half or two hour endeavor and they just don’t have that time. Especially when they have kids or just more responsibility or you work 13 hours a day, you can’t do that. So a lot of people have gravitated towards X3. Now I didn’t design it to be convenient at all, that was just kind of, just happens to be the way the body works. You stimulate the body correctly, you don’t need to work out a long time.

The Ultimate Solution for MaximizingMuscle and Minimizing Body Fat

Dr. John Jaquish: In a lot of, you hear this expression frequently usually said by people don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, it’s like, “Sitting is the new smoking.”, you’ve heard that I’m sure. Drivers are worried about that, people sit at a computer all day, which is so oversimplified and kind of ludicrous. Oversimplification, by the way, is another word for wrong.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So I hear that and I just roll my eyes, that’s just stupid. There’s nothing wrong with sitting, just as long as you do something during the day. It only takes about 10 minutes to push half the muscles in your body to complete fatigue and trigger them to grow. You do that every other day, split the body in half, that’s the method we use, you’ll grow muscle, you’ll drop body fat, of course, there’s nutrition that goes along with this, you cannot irresponsibly eat and get any decent results at all, you also don’t the fuels to build muscle when you are eating a lot of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates have no value, by the way, zero.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: A lot of people in fitness will say that they do, and these are the people that are just telling people what they want to hear.

Bruce Outridge: And a lot of us see this in sports teams. I mean, in the old days, you’d see the athlete that’s having this giant plate of pasta or spaghetti or whatever it is, and that’s what they’re doing the night before, and we’re told those are burning later on and so people try and eat the same way and it doesn’t necessarily, it’s fine if you’re going to the Olympics the next day probably, but not for the average person.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, for a marathon runner. But I mean, even for a NFL player, no. You exert yourself for like two seconds at a time.

Bruce Outridge: That’s right, yeah.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, you don’t do that at all. So yeah, and then there’s the nutritional misinformation. The nutritional misinformation is really driven by both supply and demand, which is really why it’s so bad and there’s so much terrible information. So not only Craft, Nabisco and Kellogg’s, they all want everybody to be vegan, you think, “Why?”. They don’t even sell vegetables. Even now, vegans and vegetarians don’t eat vegetables, they eat cookies and cake. They eat packages foods because they can’t even get enough calories in a day if they try just to eat vegetables and fruits.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: You can’t do it. I mean, can you? Yeah, I mean maybe you can, but it’s tough because the foods are so not dense. You got to be eating all day long. And so what they do, is they end up going, moving towards processed foods, and because they’re vegans and vegetarians, it’s all sugar. So their diet is pure sugar, which we know leads to different types of cancer, if not all types of cancer, diabetes, even to low-level metabolic dysfunctions, chronic heart disease, chronic heart failure.

Bruce Outridge: So what should we be, and this isn’t a nutrition podcast necessarily, but what should we be eating? Especially someone that’s on the road all the time and has challenges finding the right foods depending on where they’re going, and where they’re… just a couple, what should we eat to work well with what your body type is and that kind of thing?

Dr. John Jaquish: You are want to have the highest quality proteins you can. Protein is the only thing that matters when it comes to regenerating human cells, the only, carbohydrates play zero roles in this. Carbohydrates just store body fat or replenish muscle glycogen, that’s what you need like you mentioned with the runners. That’s the only two things carbohydrates do, so if you’re not running marathons and you’re not trying to replenish from a monstrous strength workout and only taking them right after, then they should not be in your diet.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I know people don’t want to hear that but, do you want to be in shape? That’s the easiest way to do it. There are torturous ways to do it, where you have a little bit of carbohydrates but then you’re kind of starving yourself too, you do that for year after year and you’re miserable the whole time. And then as soon as you start eating normally again, it all comes back. And I’m sure you know 20 guys like that.

Bruce Outridge: Yeah. So just having like chicken or beef or something like that, like good, strong protein or you talking about protein powder? What kind of protein are we talking about?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, I’m talking about meats. Yeah, most protein powders are not even used by the body. 18% of whey protein is used by the human body, 82% goes through you in the form of nitrogen waste.

Bruce Outridge: Okay. All right, good to know

Dr. John Jaquish: Most people, take a 50-gram shake and they say they weigh like 200 pounds, they’re like “I’m a quarter away from my protein target.” No, your body only got nine grams out of that 50 grams.

Bruce Outridge: Wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: The rest is just waste.

Bruce Outridge: So we’ve motivated ourselves, we’ve decided to do this, we’re going to start watching what we eat, as much as possible when we’re doing this. Now how does the workout work? Okay, we got people who are on the road, we even have regulations that tell us we can only take 30 minutes off at certain times or you get held up at a shipper, most the time we’re starting at five, six in the morning and we’re driving until seven, eight at night. I used to drive for 25 years, I can tell you after that is not when you feel like getting out and doing a workout, so you kind of have to build it into your day when there are stops or what have you. So what would you suggest to somebody who can only get breaks of 15, 30 minutes at a time throughout a day or a week to be successful with an exercise program like what you have?

Dr. John Jaquish: So I would have somebody, a lot of it depends on really when they want to workout and how seriously they want to apply it, but I’d say for me, it’s later in the day but not at the end of the day is when I’m sort of at my best.

Bruce Outridge: I prefer the mornings, I always go to the gym in the mornings. Once I start my day, I don’t get back to working out, it’s interviewing, whatever so I prefer the beginning of the day before. I am creative, first thing in the morning is my creative time, then I go to the gym and then I get into my work day. But it doesn’t matter, does it? As long, whatever works for your day, is that what you’re saying?

Dr. John Jaquish: Of all things that can be measured and analyzed in exercise science, when you place your workout is really not that big of a deal.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: If you like it in the mornings, great. If you like it in the evenings, that’s great too. There is a lot of, for me, I do dry fasting and then I also time all my nutrition to be in a four hour, all my nutrition and hydration in a four-hour window. That might be a little tougher for somebody who’s in a car all day long but then again, dry fasting. I talked about dry fasting to a group of truckers, maybe like a year ago, and they were like, “We love that because to stop and use the restroom is a waste of time.” Right, so you put your nutrition at the end of the day, you might have to get up three times while you’re sleeping but that’s a lot better than stopping driving.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: You know.

Bruce Outridge: So that’s different models for everybody. What is dry fasting, you mentioned it a couple of times and I’m not sure I understood, I know what fasting is, but what’s dry fasting?

Dr. John Jaquish: Dry fasting is no food, no water. And the reason no water is a benefit is that when you get dehydrated, your body only lets you get so dehydrated, and then it goes after your metabolic water which is the water held in the only nonvascular tissue you have, fat tissue, any other cells in your body have a job to do, but fat is just storage. So it’s pulling moisture out of the stored fat cells which eventually destroys them, so it’s very rapid, aggressive body fat loss, very quick to metabolize old skin cells also. So people who drop a lot of weight and they have extra skin, will end up going away.

Bruce Outridge: That’s the opposite of what everybody is told, right? We’re told to drink more water, drink as much water as we can. A lot of the stuff you’re talking about is different to what we’re hearing in the general health.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you know where the whole, “You need two gallons of water a day.”, came from?

Bruce Outridge: I was just told that. I was just told that eight glasses a day or whatever it is.

Dr. John Jaquish: Right. It originated from Gatorade marketing.

Bruce Outridge: Oh okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: There’s no science.

Bruce Outridge: Oh okay. Wow. So let’s talk about your X3 Bar now, because this is something that I was interested in once I saw it. First of all, talk about how big is it, is this something that can fit in someone’s luggage? My wife and I travel a lot, I usually take the bands with me, I was excited to see your bar. It just kind of give us the idea of what it is and how X3 Bar works.

Dr. Jaquish: So the most important part is the bar, which connects the very high-power latex band. So the banding goes over 600 pounds, that’s without stacking them together, and you can do that beyond 600 if you need to, nobody needs to though. I see people do it, and they don’t need to do that. Let me put it this way, no NFL player has stacked bands.

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: There are some goofballs out there who think they need that, whatever, they don’t need that. So the bar manages the bands, and then there’s a plate you stand on so your ankles don’t bend inwards. Lateral force, sometimes lateral force on an ankle, will break an ankle. So a lot of people who are training with just bands, and I hear this all the time like, “I tried to switch the bands but my wrists and ankles just hurt and I didn’t get anything out of it.” Yeah of course, because the band always wants to be a circle and you don’t have a flat surface straightening it out for you. If you don’t have that, then your wrists are going to be twisted and your ankles are going to be twisted and you’re lucky you didn’t break anything.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So bands by themselves, I’ve been asked a lot of times like, “Tell me about how bands are the answer.” And I’m like, “They’re not.” You know, I’ll be on a news show and they’ll be like, they don’t know where to go, and I’ll be like, “I never said bands were the answer.” Zero percent did I say that. So you need a whole thing, you need to be able to manage the bands so it doesn’t damage your wrists or your ankles. Then between the plate and the bar, there are four different levels of bands and then there’s a fifth one that we sell separately, that’s for the incredibly strong people. Half the people in the NFL can’t even use that one.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: I see that because I don’t, sometimes somebody gets just because they’re like… everyone thinks they’re advanced. You say that this one is for the advanced people, and people are like, “I’m advanced.”

Bruce Outridge: “I worked out once, I’m advanced.”

Dr. John Jaquish: Let’s say they’re 50 years old, they’re like “I lifted weights in high school.”

Bruce Outridge: I can tell you I’m 58, and I go to the gym three, four times a week and it still all hurts. After 50, everything hurts, no matter what the day is, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah.

Bruce Outridge: There you go! Okay, so first of all, how big is this plate? So the plate, is it like a long, thin plate, is it a big, square? What are we…?

Dr. John Jaquish: 19 and a half inches wide and about nine inches deep, and about an inch thick.

Bruce Outridge: All right.

Dr. John Jaquish: So the band has a channel, where the banding can run underneath, where it needs to. But it keeps your ankles neutral.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Without any lateral force.

Bruce Outridge: All right, and I noticed you were using it in one of the videos or pictures I saw, where you have it on your shoulders. Is that, is the plate still on your back at that point or?

Dr. John Jaquish: No, you don’t use the plate for everything.

Bruce Outridge: Oh okay so.

Dr. John Jaquish: eah, when you do a chest press, you put the band around you and just push away.

**Bruce Outridge:**Right, and then is there a risk? You talked about the risk of ankles or wrists injury, I was looking at the one where you had on your back and I’m going, “Is there a risk of that, someone having it too high and hurting their neck trying to do a bench press?”

Dr. John Jaquish: If they follow the instructions, no. No one’s ever been injured. We have 150 000 units in the field. So, it blows my mind how people misuse it sometimes.

Bruce Outridge: Well you know, human beings have a habit of misusing things that were never meant to be used for that purpose.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah I was momenting over the strange uses that I was seeing, some of the customer’s service emails, and my father spent most of his life on automotive engineering, he designed and built a lunar rover for NASA-

Bruce Outridge: Oh wow.

Dr. John Jaquish: And then went to general motors he was like, “Oh you think people do stupid stuff with the X3? You should see just what kind of things people do to their cars.”

Bruce Outridge: Yeah. Cars and trucks and all the rest of it, right?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, and just weird stories, like people, here’s one where they kept fixing this guy’s clock in his car but every time his car would come back for service, the clock would be broken. As in the screen, the glass in front of it was shattered and the hands weren’t moving, this was back when they had analog clocks in cars, and so they couldn’t figure out what was wrong with this guy’s car, the service department, now keep in mind that my father’s on the design so he’s worried about design issues, and he just kept hearing about this from the same dealership, and he’s like, “We’ll find out what’s breaking the clock.” They were worried that there was some pressure in the dashboard that was cracking the thing. The guy is like, “Oh no I intentionally break the clock because I don’t want it to burn too much gas.”

With X3, you train with Greater Force to trigger Greater Gains

Bruce Outridge: What? How do a clock and the gas work together? I’ve never had that experience.

Dr. John Jaquish: Neither has anyone else.

Bruce Outridge: Okay. I was waiting for you to say the guy is late for work all the time, or it’s buzzing when he’s running late, and he’s just been hammering this.

Dr. John Jaquish: No. There are so many things like that, where people would do just bizarre stuff. You know he’s got a hundred stories like that, I remember a handful.

Bruce Outridge: Okay, so how should someone, okay, so we’ve got the Bar, let’s say a driver got the Bar, they’re beginning. I’m going to assume that most drivers would be at the beginning stages of their exercise program, so someone has decided to buy this bar, sounds like something that would be good, that could probably fit in the truck and so they have their exercise wherever they might be. What should they be doing? Do you want to give us an idea of what a program is, give us an idea of an exercise]?

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, you’d use it in a parking lot or if it’s raining, find an overhang. All you need is a flat piece of ground and you can do it anywhere. I keep one in the trunk of my car, and if I can’t fit my workout anywhere else, I will pull over the side of the road and do my workout right there.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: Without any help.

Bruce Outridge: And you can do one in ten, what’s normal, again you’re at the other end of the spectrum for where probably, a lot of us are, as far as truck drivers. So, what would be a good starting time? Should we be aiming for 15 minutes a day?

Dr. John Jaquish: Maybe it takes 10 minutes, but you don’t necessarily have to do it by the clock, you just go through the four movements. Each workout is four movements.

Bruce Outridge: I see, okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: And they’re very exhausting, because of the variable resistance, because the resistance changes and you have more resistance in the places you’re stronger and less in the places where you are weaker and more at risk of injury. You go to a much deeper level of exhaustion and that triggers more growth, but it’s also more exhausting.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr.John Jaquish: So when you’re done, you’re done.

Bruce Outridge: Okay so, excuse me, so now if someone is doing this but they have to continue driving on if they try do this in the middle of the day or what have you, are they going to be able to drive or…? We don’t anyone falling asleep at the wheel now.

Dr. John Jaquish: No, you’ll be relaxed because you just exerted yourself to an incredible degree, but you’re not sleepy.

Bruce Outridge: Okay, all right. We need to worry about that. Okay and so there’s four movements and these movements, we would do four each day, or you’re saying what, three… how many times a week should we be do doing that?

Dr. John Jaquish: When you’re advanced, you do it six days a week.

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, but it’s 10 minutes.

Bruce Outridge: So if we started at three, that would probably be good.

Dr.John Jaquish: That’s exactly when I do it, three, four o’clock. I start my hydration, and then I do my workout and then I keep hydrating, I have dinner, and then I stop eating and drinking for the whole day.

Bruce Outridge: Oh wow. So you don’t eat breakfast, lunch, or any of that kind of stuff?

Dr. John Jaquish: One meal a day.

Bruce Outridge: One meal a day, okay. So that’s different than what we hear all the time, which is to eat multiple times a day and every three hours…

Dr. John Jaquish: Yeah, that’s total BS. “You need to eat every three hours.”, there’s never any evidence to back that up, a lot of these things. How about this one, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”?

Bruce Outridge: I believe in that one.

Dr. John Jaquish: Kellogg’s. It goes right back to the Kellogg corporation.

Bruce Outridge: Right.

Dr. John Jaquish: People used to not eat breakfast, like before the 1950s, nobody ate breakfast. It wasn’t even a thing, and when Kellogg’s came up with breakfast cereal, it was like, “Well we need to tell people that this is the healthy thing to do.” And so, they worked with the AMA, they were some of the original funders of the AMA, to get the AMA to back up the claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and that everybody needs three meals a day.

Bruce Outridge: Wow. All right, well sounds good. So your Bar, it comes with a whole system, like the workout regiment.

Dr. John Jaquish: All the videos, yeah. I mean you want to watch the videos and practice your couple of times and then once you got it, you won’t need to look at anything more.

Bruce Outridge: Okay. And it’s fairly easy to put together, I’m assuming it’s just a couple hooks and slides through the plate.

Dr. John Jaquish: It takes one-tenth of one second to get set up for an exercise.

Bruce Outridge: You don’t have to be a mechanic to put it together in the middle of a rainstorm or anything?

Dr. John Jaquish: If you know how to drive a truck, there is no way you won’t be able to figure it out.

Bruce Outridge: Pre-trip inspection on the Bar every morning.

Dr. John Jaquish: I mean, I’ve driven just the tractor.

Bruce Outridge: Yeah.

Dr.John Jaquish: Like 21 gears kind of thing, and I was like, “This is a foreign plane, a foreign helicopter.”

Bruce Outridge: Yeah, my dad used to go into my Peterbilt and go, “What are all those switches?” And I said, “There’s one for everything, don’t worry, it all works together.” He was pretty amazed, never been in that. Where do we go to learn about your Bar and your system and all that kind of stuff?

Dr. John Jaquish: So, if you’re just interested in the Bar, but I have a landing page too, in case you want to read my book. I wrote the book Weight Lifting Is a Waste of Time: So Is Cardio, and There’s a Better Way to Have the Body You Want

Bruce Outridge: Okay.

Dr. John Jaquish: It is the Wall Street Journal Best Seller.

Bruce Outridge: Oh, nice.

Dr. John Jaquish: The actual best selling list that has to do with book sales, because the New York Times one doesn’t have anything to do with book at all, they just handpick those. And my landing page is, D-O-C-T-O-R, the letter J, .com.

Bruce Outridge: All right, good. So we’ll send people there, we’ll put that in the show notes and hopefully, we get some people on there. Everybody’s looking for a new way to get started and this is the perfect time of the year, of course, to get started, well anytime is a perfect time of the year. Nothing better than today, right, so we’ll send them there for sure.

**Bruce Outridge:**Thanks very much, it’s been an honor.

Dr. John Jaquish: Bruce, thanks so much.

Bruce Outridge: Okay buddy.

Bruce Outridge: All right, so that was a good interview. Hopefully you got some good information out of there, if you want to check out more about the X3 Bar that he’s got then you might want to try using his website at, and Jaquish is spelt J-A-Q-U-I-S-H. So it’s [/x3-bar] (/products/x3-bar/) and you can find out all the information, I know, I visited the site. He had all kinds of videos and stuff on there, as well and you can read all about it, so that might be the way to do it.

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